Prime 4L Ultrasonic Cleaner

Prime 4L Ultrasonic Cleaner

Your Price: $399.99
Out of Stock.
Part Number:3004
*Now Carrying the 4L Size Unit - which fits Macbook Boards - Please adjust your 3-5% Branson EC Mix accordingly - (75mL Branson with rest Distilled Water to 2/3 Full Line)

We have tried many different ultrasonic cleaners and always questioned how different each one truly performed until we tried this one. With a full sweep function and a power you can really feel we have had this cleaner bring back devices that were previously called dead after running in other ultrasonic cleaners. 

Our Recommended and Proven Process for Liquid Damage Cleaning Treatment:
We mix 3-5% Branson EC concentrate along with distilled water to fill tank at least 3/4 full, then set temp to 80 degrees C and run a degas for 5-10 minutes (only needed when changing liquid).  Then set temp to 60 degrees C and place board in basket (included).  We run the sweep cycle for 5-10 minutes on each side with a quick and gentle hand brush in between.  After running the full sweep cycle we dip board in 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol briefly to displace water and let board air dry.  The combination of Branson EC along with the Prime Ultrasonic Cleaner has increased the success rate on liquid damage treatments in our stores significantly.

**As always, setting the correct expectations with your customer for treating liquid damage is very important

Researched, Designed and Manufactured in US (Patent Pending).

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